Monday 20 June 2016

Report raises concern about Solihull's drinking culture

MORE than 40,000 people in Solihull regularly drink a dangerous amount of alcohol, a Solihull Council study suggests.
Across the borough as a whole, there are estimated to be in excess of 27,000 binge drinkers and more than 6,000 who show signs of alcohol dependency.
Data compiled by the local authority shows that heavy drinking places a hefty burden on the local economy and can fuel crime – around four in 10 of all violent offences in Solihull are alcohol-related.
The report, which was presented to councillors last month, said: “The vast majority of people who drink alcohol in Solihull do so responsibly, however a significant number of the borough’s population drink more than they realise.
“Stronger alcohol and generous home measures are contributing to damage to people’s health, often without them realising. Every year we are seeing more and more people admitted to hospital with alcohol-related conditions.”
The authorities take a number of different approaches in an attempt to tackle the problem, including public awareness campaigns, encouraging responsible drinking, and treatment programmes for those in particular difficulties.

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