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Wednesday, 28 March 2018

North Solihull's crime hotspots revealed

CHESTER Road has been named as the street with the highest level of criminal activity in North Solihull.
A total of 635 offences were recorded on the route in the period between October 2016 and September last year.
Other crime hotspots included Bosworth Drive (178 crimes recorded), Coleshill Road (123), Cooks Lane (103) and Station Road (79).
In total, the 15 streets with the highest crime figures accounted for a third of all offences in the north of the borough over the course of the 12 month period.
And further analysis of the figures shows that the types of crime varied depending on the area.
Chelmsley Wood town centre and the shopping area surrounding Morrisons, in Castle Bromwich, were identified as having a problem with theft and people leaving shops without paying - as might be expected from busy retail districts.
Babbs Mill Recreation Ground and Kingshurst Way were associated with anti social behaviour, while vehicle crime was a particular problem in Forth Drive and Fordbridge Road.
The data was included in a comprehensive Safer Solihull report, presented to borough councillors on Monday of this week.
There will be more about concerns relating to crime in the next edition of Other Side of Solihull.

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