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Monday, 10 December 2018

The march of litter picking volunteers

LITTER picking groups in Smith's Wood and Kingshurst are among those to have taken to the streets in the past 12 months.
The new wave of volunteers were mentioned in a report presented to Solihull Council last week.
It is thought that a lot of the interest in tidying up local communities has been fuelled by the Great British Spring Clean events.
The annual activity days aimed to encourage people to clear up the rubbish blighting their area, but there is growing interest in getting stuck in all year round.
So much so, that litter picking hubs have now been set up around the borough - allowing eager locals to borrow equipment such as bags and high-vis jackets.
While many have praised their efforts, there have been concerns that the activity is plugging gaps in provision.
Councillor Alison Rolf, cabinet member for stronger communities and partnerships, has denied that the local authority is relying on residents to do its job.
"We are asking people in Solihull to take pride in where they live," she told Full Council.
"It isn't just about people going out and picking it up themselves, although I commend anybody who does that and I think there should be more of that.
"But the council is doing its bit as well, it's about working in partnership."

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