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Thursday, 25 April 2019

Eight trolleys spotted in one stretch of water

CONCERNS have been raised about the number of shopping trolleys being dumped in North Solihull's rivers and streams.
Coun David Cole (Lab, Kingshurst & Fordbridge) said the carts were a common sight in local water courses.
At this month's Full Council meeting he had asked if, during the next Great British Spring Clean, residents helping clear-up their area could be given assistance to remove the trolleys.
"Would it be an idea to get a specialist team in who can work with the litter pickers to withdraw these shopping trolleys...
"I counted eight I think it was in Kingshurst Brook and some in the River Cole as well, so there's plenty to get at."
Coun Alison Rolf, cabinet member for stronger communities and partnerships, said she would ask her department the question and see if it would be possible to provide help at next year's events.
"Certainly they do make the place look untidy and it's a shame when everywhere else is looking so clean and tidy, if those [trolleys] are then causing a problem."

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