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Tuesday, 11 June 2019

Dog boarding business in Castle Brom set for approval

A DOG boarding business - offering luxury "bedrooms" to canines - could be set to open in Castle Bromwich.
A planning application for a "change of use" at 33 Farnworth Grove is due to be considered by councillors tomorrow night (Wednesday).
It is proposed to use one of the existing rooms for the business and planning officers have recommended that the committee grant temporary permission.
The same set of plans was submitted last year and withdrawn, with a report suggesting that more information had been made available this time around.
Six objections have been received from residents worried about the noise and smell, with some arguing that this type of business isn't appropriate in a residential area.
Officers advise that the initial permission should run for 12 months, to assess the impact of the venture on the surrounding area. They recommended that up to four animals should be boarded at the address at any one time.

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