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Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Growing support for allotments project

GREEN FINGERS: Coun Flo Nash, left, at the official opening last week
HOPES are high that a new allotments project in North Solihull will help tackle loneliness among the area's ageing population.
The gardening area has recently been created at Birmingham Business Park, near Marston Green, and two of the plots have been allocated to Age UK Solihull - the site's Charity of the Year.
Older residents will be able to visit the facility, cultivate vegetables and take home some of the produce.
The allotments were officially opened by Solihull's then Mayor, Coun Flo Nash, last Tuesday.
Lorraine Hart, Age UK's fundraising manager, said: "It is estimated that 4,000 over 65s in Solihull see themselves as intensely lonely.
"These allotments offer a fantastic opportunity for older people in Solihull to get out and connect with nature, be active and enjoy the company of others.
"Our clients thoroughly enjoyed the launch event, and we hope that more older people will visit the allotments throughout the year."
The four other plots on the parcel of land will be available for use by Business Park staff during their lunch breaks.
If you are over 50 and would like to tend the allotments, call 0121 704 7842 or email: events@ageuksolihull.org.uk.
Tools and seeds are provided and the landscapers can tend to the beds in between visits. You will need to be able to make your own way to the Business Park.

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