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Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Marston Green parking clampdown considered

ROAD chiefs will consider introducing tough new parking restrictions in Marston Green in the coming months.
Plans for a clampdown have been drawn up amid mounting frustration about vehicles clogging up village streets.
A number of factors are fuelling the problem, including parents on the school run, commuters who can't get into the station car park and air passengers trying to avoid long-stay charges.
The ongoing issues have led the highways team to draw up a list of restrictions in a number of roads, including: Elmdon Lane, Elmdon Road, The Greenway, Canterbury Drive, Land Land, Station Road, Bickenhill Road, Coleshill Road and Hall Drive.
Some residents have welcomed the proposals, although others fear it could see their visitors slapped with fines.
Solihull Council is currently sifting through the responses to an official consultation exercise and Coun Ken Hawkins, the cabinet member for the environment and highways, is expected to consider the options in the coming months.
The decision comes after it was announced that transport issues have been divided up between two different portfolios as part of a cabinet reshuffle.
Going forward Coun Hawkins will handle issues such as parking and requests for restrictions, while Coun Ted Richards will oversee larger transport decisions - including those relating to HS2.

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